Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage has been a hot topic across the US for a while, but now days you can't so much as buy a piece of chicken without having the opinion of one side or another shoved down your throat. Things have turned from a political squabble to an all out war, complete with mud slinging, childish insults, inaccurate information, and "internet trolls" as far as the eye can see. Those supporting same sex marriage see the opposers as hateful, closed minded bigots, and those against same sex marrage see those for it as none more than the antichrist. You can view things however you please, but that does not discount the fact that BOTH sides, no matter who is right, have their fair share of flaws. Neither one wants to hear the other's opinion, and therefor not much has been accomplished. This is not a post supporting or opposing same-sex marriage, though I can not promise that I have kept my bias out of this blog completely. This is simply intended to be a post that I hope may slap some sense in to everyone.

On the supporting side you seem to have no concrete facts whatsoever as to how same sex marriage will "benifit society", which is what the opposition is looking for. Most arguments thrown out there are merely fancy ways of restating "Well why not?" This not only acts as a buffer for the opposing end's comments, but also appears as a counterargument at the same time. A good little magic trick, but not enough to make ay progress. On the other side, most people against same sex marriage use religion as their main reason, but America has in the place the seperation of church and state. Most other arguments can be discounted by the previously mentioned question of "Why not?" The point of an argument itself is to convince someone from the other side to join you, which neither end seems to have done at all.

Both those for and against same sex marriage need to swallow their pride and try to get down to the other's level. Perhaps a bit of understanding is all that is needed to end this war. No one is looking for a compromise in this situation, as this is a battle between two very different groups. But perhaps one side or the other could win by taking both groups views in to consideration, not just their own.

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